BC Spirits "Spirit a Day" #188 - Ampersand Distilling Imperative Dry Vermouth

Ampersand Imperative Vermouth


Imperative Dry Vermouth is made from organic Ortega & Auxerrois grapes from the Saanich Peninsula and fortified with Ampersand’s Per Se Vodka, made from organic BC grown wheat. The botanicals include wormwood grown on Ampersand’s farm, and roasted dandelion root, chamomile, marjoram, and orange peel.


Amazing vermouth from Ampersand Distilling and Rathjen Cellars,  aromatic, bright, clean botanicals balanced with fantastic wine structure  This is a must have for the martini lovers, grab the gin from Ampersand and your set.

Alcohol - 18% / 36 proof

Color - Medium Gold

Nose - Sweet wine forward with hints of herbs in the background

Taste - Complex deep herbal notes, very root forward profile balancing the hints of sweetness in the wine profile.

Finish - Very dry finish, chewy with the herbal notes lingering long after

Best Enjoyed - This was made for Martinis, grab a bottle of the Ampersand Gin as well

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